Wallpapers, wallpapers and more wallpapers..
....of this...
Published on March 23, 2005 By Matchbook In WinCustomize Talk
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Um.. Does anyone have any home-remedies for havoc-wreaking colds? I ask because I've got a killer one, can barely keep my eyes open for the overwhelming sense of anxiety and fatigue I'm feeling. I'm having full body shivers, lasting anywhere from 5 to 15 seconds. I have the World's biggest/worst headache [ok, debatable..] and can barely see.
Anyone have any tips/suggestions/remedies/etc I Could try?... There's no effective cold-/flu medications in this house, so I'm left with my own devices [not always the best option ].

If you can't see the point of this thread, I apoloize. If you read this far and might be able to offer something: THANK YOU!

Genuine thanks,

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 02, 2005
Hello Spider, and to the rest who have reservations of giving advice to this guy because they don't know his age well he is old enough to be adviced anything you wish, he is a great Wallpaper designer and I love his work. Spider my man get your self a lot of rest your body as someone mentioned is over worked it self and needs to rest. Taking a hot bath is good provided you don't get outside or sudden change of room temperature because you can end up in real trouble, if you have hight body temperature get some Panadol or something to keep it down because it sound like you do have that problem because of the shivers. Just rest and do nothing it's best. Probably you are already better because I just read you suck in thread you bad boy. Silly me I thought it was an earthquake but it was you with your body shivers. Just joking mate. Hope you are better.
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