Wallpapers, wallpapers and more wallpapers..
Published on March 17, 2005 By Matchbook In WinCustomize Talk
...from having 6 cavities and one root canal done today. I insisted since half of my face was 'dead' that he might as well do the rest while 'in there'. Aside from a nice cup of tea [of three] and rinsing mouth with warm liquids, any good remedies to help that freeze, that seems to stay in place for a day, disappear more quickly?

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Mar 17, 2005
On the contrary Phazon. I brush my teeth [and floss] TOO regularily. I brush [easily] 8 to 10, sometimes 12 times a day. [OCD? lol] to the point where my gums have receded and as such, my gumline is more prone to bacteria. I also brush too "violently" I'm told.. ...
on Mar 17, 2005
My mouth hurts now.

I'm sorry I started reading this thread.
2 Pages1 2