Wallpapers, wallpapers and more wallpapers..
Does anyone remember, back in 2004, many skinners, artists and such alike got together and produced a community wallpaper, that we each 'tagged' with our grafitti?

That was about 4 years ago. Many skinners have since either quit, lost interest, moved onto greener pastures or just got bored. New ones have emerged and shown great promise, so I feel it's time for another community wall, akin to 2004's, just newer.

What do you think?

I've made a very suitable background for it but I shant post it until I know others are interested in getting in on this.

Let me know if you're keen on the idea.

Check out the old one

Cutoff for new tags in effect

I will now finish this long overdue little project.

Thanks, everyone, for your submissions and subsequent patience in waiting for this.

Much love!

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 04, 2008
I'm in if thats ok, sent tag   
on May 04, 2008
Zakai, RickJP, HOG56 and 2of3: Got your tags.


Keep them coming.

Lots of room!
on May 04, 2008
  Mine was sent
on May 04, 2008
just sent .... tagz ....

thank you   
on May 04, 2008
just tell me how many spots there are yet .. i'll bring more tagz ....

mice way to earn money .....        50% of earn is yours ....   
on May 04, 2008
Technically there's lots of room.

If I could fit 100 tags at 300x100 pixels into this, then it stands to reason I could fit about 200 at 150x50 pixels, 300 at 75x25 pixels and so on.. (Mind you that's tiny. But the principle remains hehe)
on May 04, 2008
Ultimately the final output size of your tag depends on total number of them received. Make sense?
on May 04, 2008
it means ... we will be rich earlier ...     

i've sent again .. Daniel .... u recieved ....???

format PNg background trasparent .... is it okay ???
on May 04, 2008
i've sent again .. Daniel .... u recieved ....???

format PNg background trasparent .... is it okay ???

Got them, yup. Thanks!
on May 04, 2008
on May 04, 2008
mine sent too
on May 04, 2008
Received 13, so far. Including yours, Brickhead, bilbo among others.

Lots, and I mean lots of room, still.

Thanks, guys!
on May 04, 2008
I want in!   Any deadline that we have to get it to you?
on May 04, 2008
No deadline as of yet. I want to include as many as I can and it seems many didn't get to do so last time. So there's no real deadline.

Unless someone wants one? heh
on May 04, 2008
There's one on it's way from me
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