Wallpapers, wallpapers and more wallpapers..
Does anyone remember, back in 2004, many skinners, artists and such alike got together and produced a community wallpaper, that we each 'tagged' with our grafitti?

That was about 4 years ago. Many skinners have since either quit, lost interest, moved onto greener pastures or just got bored. New ones have emerged and shown great promise, so I feel it's time for another community wall, akin to 2004's, just newer.

What do you think?

I've made a very suitable background for it but I shant post it until I know others are interested in getting in on this.

Let me know if you're keen on the idea.

Check out the old one

Cutoff for new tags in effect

I will now finish this long overdue little project.

Thanks, everyone, for your submissions and subsequent patience in waiting for this.

Much love!

Comments (Page 17)
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on Jul 25, 2008
I'm good.
on Jul 25, 2008
I will have to say that this wall-widget will have to be at one certain resolution for all the tags to be active, I think. I can't see how it could be done otherwise. Unless through script, at which I suck. Which is why I don't do wallpaper dependant themes.
on Jul 25, 2008
I digress, if nauticalpixel does several resolutions, I could do a widget from each fairly easily.   
on Jul 25, 2008
provided those who submitted them are ok with the distribution of them

on Jul 25, 2008
on Jul 25, 2008
provided those who submitted them are ok with the distribution of them

on Jul 25, 2008
provided those who submitted them are ok with the distribution of them

Only if "all or any moneys that are made off of that piece of ... art, are forwarded to my Swiss bank account"..

Pass it on!
on Jul 25, 2008
I don't actually need the tags. Just a transparent shortcut over each name is all that is needed.   Should it be a widget or a gadget?
on Jul 25, 2008
It would be nice if those who don't have DX installed could use it too.Would that be a gadget?
on Jul 25, 2008
on Jul 25, 2008
Sounds like a really cool idea!   
on Jul 25, 2008
It would be nice if those who don't have DX installed could use it too.Would that be a gadget?

Ed Zachary!! ( Japanese for exactly...lol.)
on Aug 15, 2008
Bump 4
on Aug 15, 2008
on Aug 20, 2008
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